September 20, 2012


I'd like to take a commercial break before returning to my regularly scheduled blogposts of "fruits of my hands" and share an intriguing idea suggested by a friend's blogpost.  Cari, over at The Printed Peach, created a very ambitious list of things that she wanted to have accomplished by a certain age.  Cari sparked an idea in me.  I've struggled lately with knowing what direction to take next, what project to start, what skill to learn, what mountain to climb.  I was particularly impressed by her "strikethroughs".  Do I have anything that I can cross off my list?  Have I accomplished anything in my life?

The answers were indeed in the list!  Understand that I will turn 50 in a couple of years and have several more years on Cari, so don't judge either of us. I remembered being 21 and started my list there.  Some things are from that time in my life and some are from last week.  Laugh along with me as I celebrate with myself.

50 things by 50
  1. Fall in love
  2. Get married 
  3. Get a full-time job with benefits
  4. Have a baby
  5. Buy a car
  6. Buy a house
  7. Visit a Europe.
  8. Fly in a plane
  9. Learn to ride a motorcycle
  10. Get my motorcycle license
  11. Learn to sew
  12. Learn to quilt
  13. Learn to crochet
  14. Learn to tat
  15. Learn to make baskets
  16. Learn calligraphy
  17. Wear jeans (again) 
  18. Buy clothes off the rack (again)
  19. Wear cowboy boots (again)
  20. Line dance
  21. Get my concealed weapon permit
  22. Shoot a bow
  23. Visit Florida
  24. Visit California
  25. Visit the Biltmore
  26. Visit Alaska
  27. Meet a celebrity
  28. Compete in a 5k
  29. Learn photoshop
  30. Create my own brand
  31. Develop the perfect logo
  32. Make my own label
  33. Be a successful blogger
  34. Design the perfect line of purses
  35. Write and market my own sewing patterns
  36. Write a sewing book
  37. Read a e-book
  38. See a broadway show
  39. Go to the opera
  40. Zipline
  41. Have a sewing/crafting/design studio
  42. Have my own business selling homemade dog treats
  43. Grow a garden. 
  44. Buy & wear fancy lingerie in some color other than beige, black, white, or grey from Victoria Secret 
  45. Own a designer leather bag
  46. Learn to swim
  47. Play a mandolin
  48. Ride amusement park rides
  49. Find the perfect "lost art" and learn it from a master craftsman to carry on the tradition.
  50. Assist Max in creating his food product business and give tours through his factory.

Thanks, Cari.  That was fun and you've helped me think about a lot of things.  If I died tomorrow, I won't have left too many things undone.  And the only thing preventing me from completing the list is my lack of time or focus to sit down and do what matters to me.

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